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Creating Clusters in ScaleArc for MSSQL 3.1

What is a Cluster



Each ScaleArc cluster serves as a unique logical load balancer providing real-time SQL protocol analysis and monitoring, user access permissions, user transaction level permissions, connection authentication, transparent read/write split offload, SQL surge queue, cache offload rules, firewall rules, pre-cache rules, log management, analytics and the ability to manage (add, remove and modify) database servers as part of a cluster. Each of these features support a great degree of management as well. Each ScaleArc cluster is a unique user process. Stopping/ starting one cluster does not impact traffic on another cluster. 

Creating a Cluster




Clusters are logical load balancers and each can be configured to uniquely manage SQL traffic. While configuring each cluster in ScaleArc we will define the inbound interface and a listening port as well as the outbound interface for each database server.

Click on Add Cluster to begin the cluster creation process. 

1. Network

First step is to configure your network. This is where you configure how your application will connect to the load balancer and how the load balancer will connect to the database servers. 

Cluster Name - Enter a cluster name, such as Accounting or Product-Catalog. This name is descriptive and used throughout the web console. 

Instance Name - Enter the name of the SQL Server instance you wish to connect to. 

Cluster Virtual IP Address - Select a load balancer virtual IP address from the drop down list. This is the IP address that the applications will now use to connect to ScaleArc. 

Database TCP port - Set the database TCP port, 1433 is the default. 

Outbound LAN Connection - Select a load balancer virtual IP address from the drop down list. This is the IP address that ScaleArc will use to connect to the database servers. 

2. Database Access 

The next step is to configure the access parameters used to verify your cluster, ensure that all servers in the cluster are running with similar permissions, and are in good replication health. ScaleArc needs to be able to browse the database server and check which user has access to which database server. This user also needs to be able to execute show slave status so that ScaleArc can monitor replication lag. 

Username – Super user for the database server. 

Password - Password for the admin user. 

3. Cluster Settings

You can choose to copy cluster settings from another cluster from the drop down box

4. Servers

Add a database server to the cluster that’s being created. At this point you can add as many servers or just one. Keep in mind, one of the benefits of ScaleArc is its ability to load balance across multiple databases. Database servers can be modified later as well. If adding more than one server you must ensure these servers are already configured as a singular cluster using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Replication. Please make sure the cluster outbound LAN connection IP address is allowed to connect to the database servers. 

4.1 Configuring AlwaysOn Server 

NOTE: For proper Always-On server discovery and failover operations, the "SQL Server Browser Service" must already be running on each of the DB servers. (


Select the check box Check this option if your database server(s) are configured in AlwaysOn Availability Groups to configure a SQL 2012 AlwaysOn server. 

Click on Configure Server

On the next page you can specify a VNN address and the port on which the VNN services are running. 

Specify the Availability Group Listener/ Virtual Name Node/ Primary Node IP address of the AlwaysON setup. 

Specify the TCP port on which the SQL instance is running (default is 1433). 

Click on Fetch SQL Cluster Config. This will connect to the VNN and fetch all the databases which are configured for this cluster. You can use the check boxes to select the databases you would like to add. 


Click on Add Servers to add the selected servers to the AlwaysON Availability Group. 

Follow the steps below to configure server settings without the AlwaysOn feature. Add IP address/ DNS name of the server you wish to add. Select the server role (‘Read + Write’ or ‘Read’) from the drop down list and click on Add Server. 

Click on Setup Cluster to complete the cluster creation process. 

5. Cluster Configuration Log 

Click Download to download a list of clusters and their settings. 

Click Finish

Your cluster has been successfully created and configured. At this point you can add more 

users and configure their database access or continue to the cluster settings page. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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