Symptoms When creating a new cluster for Always-On SQL SERVER configuration. Fetching database button provides the below error: Unable to fetch database server(s) with these settings (<VNNIP>:<POR...
Release Classification Level DB Platform Categories 3.11+ Information SQL Server Kerberos ScaleArc performs the various checks during Kerberos configuration. Make sure the following is configured co...
Release Classification Level DB Platform Category 3.4 and Later How-to TUNE SKILLED ALL Administration QUESTION Why email is not received in gmail inbox for alerts inspite it is sent successfu...
Release Classification Level DB Platform Category 3.2 and Later How-to TUNE SKILLED MSSQL Administration QUESTION How to setup Replication Monitoring on a Scalearc Cluster which is built with an...
Release Document Status DB Platform Categories 3.11 INFO MySQL R/W Split As a part of transaction read/write split support, ScaleArc supports recording of select SET session queries to improve read/...
How to Set User Replication Privileges Follow the steps below to give the user replication privileges. Once you have joined successfully you will need to give the users or groups replication privileg...
Release Classification Level DB Platform Category 3.8.4+ Solution SKILLED MSSQL Failover Failover Support for SQL Server Mirroring Question How does ScaleArc Support Failover for SQL Server Mirro...
Release Document Status DB Platform Categories 3.10+ INFO MSSQL WINDOWS AD ISSUE User gets one of the following error messages while trying change the hostname before unjoining the domain. Error ID ...
What is a Cluster Each ScaleArc cluster serves as a unique logical load balancer providing real-time SQL protocol analysis and monitoring, user access permissions, user transaction level permissio...
Release Classification Level DB Platform Categories All How To MSSQL Connection Management PURPOSE In relevance to connecting to MSSQL server database, microsoft typically offers two common authenti...