Upgrading ScaleArc to the Latest version


This article provides the procedure to upgrade earlier releases of ScaleArc to the latest version, currently version 2020.9 that was released in November 2020.

The steps described here are only applicable if upgrading a standalone deployment, otherwise, if you are upgrading a HA deployment please refer to Upgrading a ScaleArc HA Deployment to the latest version.



  1. Access to the Release Portal is required in order to download the update packages. Refer to Requesting Access to the Release Portal if you don't currently have access.
  2. Increase the Session Timeout Interval by navigating to SETTINGS > System Settings > System Config tab.  Update the Session Timeout Interval to 1 hour and click Apply to save the setting. While the upgrade process should not take more than 15 minutes to complete, extraneous factors such as network latency can adversely impact the upgrade duration causing session timeouts thereby interrupting the upgrade process.
  3. It is recommended that you backup the ScaleArc instance by taking a snapshot of the ScaleArc VM(s) before the upgrade if running on a virtualized environment.



There are two methods for upgrading ScaleArc to the latest version:

A. Upgrade using URL

B. Upgrade from PKG file

The next section provides the step by step instructions for upgrading ScaleArc using the above methods:

A. Upgrade using URL

This method is preferred when the ScaleArc server has access to the Upgrade Kit over the Internet or served from a local repository.

Follow these steps to upgrade ScaleArc through the URL:


1. Navigate to SETTINGS > System Settings page.

2. Under the System Status tab, click "Update" and select "URL" as the Type then provide this URL in the Enter URL text box.
3. Click the "Upload" button

4. Wait for the package file to complete uploading and click OK when prompted.

5. Click the "Apply" button to proceed with the package installation. Note that the ScaleArc instance will restart post-upgrade.

6. Click "Yes" to start the upgrade process. A pop-up that tails the Installer Logs is displayed during the upgrade process.

7. Upgrading requires the server to restart. You will see "loading data ..." while the server is rebooting.

8. After the server reboots, the upgrade process is completed.

9. Click OK and the ScaleArc login page will appear. Login to ScaleArc with your existing credentials.

10. EULA page will appear requesting your personal details, enter the information, and read the EULA. Click on "Accept EULA" to proceed.
11. Go to SETTINGS > System Settings and verify that all software versions upgraded successfully. 
12. Upgrading your ScaleArc is completed


B. Upgrade from PKG file

Upgrading from a PKG file on your local computer is the alternative method when the ScaleArc server does not have direct access to the Internet or a local repository.

You must download the upgrade PKG file prior to starting the upgrade from the Release Portal to your local machine. Download the corresponding MD5 checksum file for the upgrade package from the same location.

Follow these steps to upgrade ScaleArc to version 3.12 from a PKG file:


1. Make sure the following entries are present in /usr/local/apache/php/php.ini

upload_max_filesize = 2G 
post_max_size = 2G

If the parameters need to be modified, the idbweb service should be restarted

sudo service idbweb restart


2. Navigate to SETTINGS System Settings page


3. Click "Update" and select "File" as the Type
4. Click "Select File" to browse for the downloaded PKG file on your local machine and click Open to load the filename.     

5. Open the downloaded MD5 file from a text editor and copy the checksum value for the PKG file in the MD5 sum text box. 
6. Click the "Upload" button
7. Uploading the package file is completed.
8. Click the "Apply" button. This will require the ScaleArc appliance to restart. Click "Yes" to start the upgrade process.
9. A pop-up that tails the Installer Log is displayed during the upgrade process.
10. Upgrading requires the server to restart. You will see "loading data ..." while the server is rebooting.
11. After the server reboots, the ScaleArc upgrade is completed.
12. Click on OK and the ScaleArc login page will appear. Login to ScaleArc with your existing credentials.

13. EULA page will appear requesting your personal details, enter the information, and read the EULA. Click on "Accept EULA" to proceed.
14. Go to SETTINGS > System Settings and verify that all software versions upgraded successfully. 

15. Upgrading your ScaleArc is completed 


Note: Due to the large package size the upgrade time may take an average of 25 minutes.


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