Prepare for installation


This chapter provides the preparatory guidelines to ensure that your ScaleArc installation is successful by providing the minimum requirements as well as deployment checklists that come in handy for installing ScaleArc and rapidly configuring and deploying it in your environment.

Ensure you review and comply with the guidelines provided in the sections below covering:

  1. System requirements
  2. Release Details
  3. Installation Checklists

System Requirements

ScaleArc can be deployed on the cloud or on-premise depending on the customer's existing infrastructure and database architecture.

The following table provides the minimum system requirements to run ScaleArc on selected cloud platforms.

Cloud system requirements

The following table provides the minimum system requirements to run ScaleArc on selected cloud platforms.

Item  Azure AWS Google Cloud Platform
Machine Type Standard A3 m4.xlarge n1-standard-4
CPU 4 Cores 4 4 Cores
Memory 7GB 16 15GB
OS Storage 30G 40GB 100GB
Logs Storage 100GB 100GB 500GB
Network 1 Standard Interface 1 Standard Interface 1 Standard Interface


Scale ScaleArc on the cloud

Refer to these external links for more information on scaling options when ScaleArc is deployed on the cloud:


On-premise system requirements

ScaleArc system requirements should be guided by the number of active cores on the database servers serving your application traffic volume.

The table below provides a general guideline for sizing ScaleArc as a first-time user. The second column in the table provides the list of minimum requirements and subsequent columns indicate data for growth capacity planning.

100% active database
cores under management 
Up to 32 Up to 64 Up to 80 Up to 96 Up to 128
ScaleArc size 4 cores 8 cores 10 cores 12 cores 16 cores
Intel Xeon Physical Cores (no Hyperthreading)  6 12 12 16 20
Hyperthreaded Intel Xeon Physical Cores  12 24 24 32 40
Other Cores (AMD, VM, Public Cloud)  10 16 24 24 32
Memory (ScaleArc Enterprise Edition) 16 GB 16 GB 20 GB 24 GB 32 GB
Memory (ScaleArc Platinum Edition) 24 GB 40 GB 48 GB 54 GB 80 GB
Disk 2 TB 4 TB 8 TB 8 TB 8 TB
Two Bonded 1 GBE 
Two Bonded 1 GBE  Two Bonded 1 GBE  Two Bonded 1 GBE  Two Bonded 10 GBE 

Refer to this appendix for more information on ScaleArc sizing.

Contact ScaleArc or call +1-855-800-SCAL(7225) for professional services in estimating the requirements for sizing and installing ScaleArc in your environment.


OS, database server, and browser requirements

These are the minimum database and browser requirements for running ScaleArc whether on the cloud or on-premise:

OS, Database server (DBMS)
and Supported browsers
Supported versions
  • On-premise
  • Cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform)
Operating System
  • Centos 6.9
Supported DBMS
ScaleArc for MySQL MySQL database
  • Version 5.6 and above 
Maria DB
  • Version 10.0.24
  • Galera with Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)
  • MySQL Version: 5.7.15
AWS RDS Aurora
  • MySQL compatibility
ScaleArc for MSSQL DB Server Operating system
  • Supported Windows versions for SQL Server
SQL Server

SQL Server

  • 2005, 2012 (for AlwaysOn, SQL Mirroring, and cloud), 2014;
    2008 and 2008R2, 2016

AD Server versions

  • Windows Server 2008R2, 2012 and 2012R2
  • Kerberos: Version 5.0

Azure SQL Database

  • Supported Compatibility Levels: 130, 120, 110, 100, 90)
  • Azure IaaS - Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2016
  • Windows 55.0.2883.87 m
  • Linux 55.0.2883.87 m
  • Mac 55.0.2883.95 (64-bit)
  • Mac 10.0 (10602.
Mozilla Firefox
  • Windows 50.1.0
  • Linux 51.0.1 (64-bit) and OS Mint 18.1 (Serena)
  • Mac 51.0.1 (64-bit) and OS Version: 10.12.3 macOS Sierra
Internet Explorer
  • Windows 10.x and above


Release details

The latest release (ScaleArc v2020.9), as well as earlier versions and the release notes, can be downloaded from the release portal at Refer to this article for information on how to obtain access to the Release Portal.

Note that in order to configure ScaleArc after installation, a valid license key is required. Refer to this article on Requesting a Trial License for ScaleArc.

Latest version

Release: 2020.9
Release Date: September 2020
Variant: Standard
Size: 953 MB


Use the following table as a guide when downloading ScaleArc for your environment: 

ScaleArc Version Install Upgrade
Latest version Obtain the latest version of ScaleArc for your environment from the Release Portal.

Upgrade with the latest patch release.


If you are a first-time customer, make sure you have installed the general release version before a patch update.

Earlier versions


Click here to download earlier ScaleArc versions.



Installation Checklists

If you are preparing to install and configure the product, review the following checklists before you proceed. 

Deployment checklist

Review and complete the ScaleArc deployment checklist making sure you have the necessary network environment settings for a ScaleArc implementation.

Cluster configuration checklist

The cluster configuration checklist mostly contains a list of application settings for your environment that need to be configured in ScaleArc. Before you begin to configure a ScaleArc cluster, we recommend that you collect the information in the list to ensure smooth integration with your environment.

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