Executing automated Health Check


The idb_healthcheck.py is a script that can be used to collect and inspect various data points from the ScaleArc appliance. The purpose of the health check is to highlight any configuration or system sizing characteristics that should be addressed in order to provide optimal performance, scalability, and stability for production deployments.

This article outlines the steps to execute the health check script on your ScaleArc appliance to generate logs that are required by ScaleArc support for troubleshooting purposes.

The current version of the idb_healthcheck.py script is v0.99.6.2b.



  • A utility to upload the health check script from client machine to ScaleArc server:
    • FileZilla for all platforms
    • WinSCP for Windows
    • SCP utility on MacOS or Linux terminal
  • SSH access with administrative permissions on the ScaleArc server.



Follow these instructions to run the script on your ScaleArc appliance:

  1. Download attached idb_healthcheck.py onto your local computer.
  2. Transfer the script from your local computer to ScaleArc server in the /home/idb/ directory.
  3. Set the permissions to make the script executable: [idb@ScaleArc /home/idb]$ sudo chmod +x idb_healthcheck.py
  4. Run the script: [idb@ScaleArc /home/idb]$ sudo ./idb_healthcheck.py
  5. Check the script output, that provides the exact location and name of the health check report at the end of execution:
    [idb@ScaleArc /home/idb]$ sudo ./idb_healthcheck.py
    Report output file: idb_healthcheck-report.txt
    Please provide the idb_healthcheck_results_172.31.22.100.tz file to ScaleArc support via SFTP transfer to upload.scalearc.com
    Execution log written to /tmp/idb_healthcheck.py-2016-07-01_10:36:54.log
    Total execution time: 13.55 seconds
    [idb@ScaleArc /home/idb$
  6. Upload the output file (idb_healthcheck_results_xx.yy.zz.xx.tz) onto our sFTP server (upload.scalearc.com) for analysis using the credentials provided separately.

Additional Information

[idb@ScaleArc:/home/idb/]: sudo ./idb_healthcheck.py --help

Usage: idb_healthcheck.py [ -c<config file> -i<input file> -o<toutput file> -p -q -d -v -h -V ]

        [ -c<config file> | --config=<config file> ]     : Configuration file for idb_healthcheck.py. Default: ./idb_healthcheck.cfg
        [ -o<toutput file> | --output=<toutput file> ]   : Name of file to write report results
        [ -i<input file> | --input=<input file> ]        : Name of file to read previous test data from. Useful for generating new report from existing data.
        [ -p | --report ]                                : Output formatted report [Default]
        [ -h | --help ]                                  : Prints this help message
        [ -v | --verbose ]                               : Output extra information during execution [Default]
        [ -V | --version ]                               : Display script version information
        [ -d | --debug ]                                 : Output DEBUG level informaton during execution
        [ -q | --quiet ]                                 : Suppress all terminal output
        [ -m | --minimal ]                               : Minimal health check tests. Skip all log file and SAR data inspection
        [ --no-color ]                                   : Disable color output to terminal (for machine parsing of output)
Note: As of version 0.99.5, the idb_healthcheck.py script will automatically check for available updated versions. Provided that there is direct connectivity to the internet and there is a newer version of the script available, the user will be prompted to download the newer version. Verbose and Debug modes are set to ON by default.

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