ScaleArc for SQL Server Administrator's Guide

Table of Contents

Introducing ScaleArc
What is ScaleArc?
Benefits of ScaleArc
ScaleArc Features
Terms and definitions
Installing ScaleArc
Installation Prerequisites
Installing ScaleArc
On-premise installation
>> Install ScaleArc on Bare Metal
>> Install ScaleArc on Hyper-V
>> Install ScaleArc on VMware
>> Install ScaleArc on XenServer
>> Custom Install
Cloud-based installation
>> Install ScaleArc on MS Azure
>> ScaleArc HA on MS Azure
>> Install ScaleArc on AWS
>> ScaleArc HA on AWS
>> Install ScaleArc on Google Cloud (GCP)
Upgrading ScaleArc to the Latest version
>> Upgrading a ScaleArc HA Deployment
Initialize ScaleArc
Configure basic settings
Configuring ScaleArc Clusters

Introduction to ScaleArc Clusters
Creating Clusters
>> Configure ScaleArc Endpoints
>> Configure Database Access
>> Adding Database Servers to a Cluster
>> Configure AlwaysOn Server
>> Configuring SQL Mirroring
>> Configuring Azure SQL Database
>> Creating a Kerberized Cluster
>> Configuring Cluster SSL Settings
Cluster Configuration
>> ScaleArc Cluster Info
>> Cluster Control Panel Overview
>> Cluster Control Panel - Status Column
>> Cluster Settings - Client & Server Traffic Settings
>> Configuring Cluster Settings - ScaleArc
>> Cache Settings
>> Configuring Cluster Settings - Auto Failover
>> Configure SSL
>> Advanced Cluster Settings
>> Configuring Cluster Settings - Debug

Settings Column

Managing Users & DBs
Transparent Cache
>> Defining Cache Rules
>> Cache Manager
>> Configuring Stored Procedure Query Caching
>> Cache Invalidation
Load Balancing and Routing
Configuring Query Firewall Rules
Log Settings
Configuring Database Servers

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Getting started

Installing ScaleArc

Configure ScaleArc

Learn the benefits and features of ScaleArc.

Evaluate your on-premise or cloud-based enterprise
Install or upgrade ScaleArc.
Initialize ScaleArc and configure its basic functions.
Create a ScaleArc endpoint cluster.
Configure advanced features for load balancing, zero downtime, AlwaysOn, and automated failover, security, and performance

Administering ScaleArc

Real-Time Monitoring

ScaleArc Analytics

Administer ScaleArc's many systems, cluster, and log settings. Live monitor ScaleArc for upgrading performance in real-time.  Use the powerful suite of Analytics tools to review, evaluate, and manage performance and security at varying degrees of granularity.


Administering ScaleArc

Real-Time Monitoring

Administering ScaleArc - Introduction
Network Settings Configuration
System Settings
>> System Status
>> System Config
>> System Services
>> Setting up Windows Active Directory
>> Setting up Azure Active Directory
Configuring Email Alerts
Setting up HA (High Availability)
License Settings
User Management
>> Policy and Access Control Configuration
>> Authentication Configuration
>> Editing the Authentication Module
Using ScaleArc RESTful APIs
Managing CPU Distribution
Real-Time Monitoring - Introduction
Live Monitor - System Stats
Live Monitor - Cluster Stats
Live Monitor - Historical Stats
Live Monitor - Logs
Live Monitor - Diagnostics
>> File Browser
>> Traffic Analyzer
Live Monitor - Value Meter



Using ScaleArc Analytics
Analytics - Total Cluster Traffic Analysis
Analytics - Cluster Analysis
Analytics - Database Server Analysis
Analytics - Query Pattern Analysis
Analytics - Unique Query Analysis
Analytics - Comparative Analysis
Analytics - Log Search
>> Deployment checklist
>> Cluster configuration checklist
>> ScaleArc Sizing Guide
>> ScaleArc Appliance Console Login
>> List of ports on ScaleArc
>> CPU distribution - Thread Mapping
>> Best practices for VM migration
>> Database replication topologies
>> Third-party software dependencies




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