Please increase max_connect_errors to 999999 by using 'set global max_connect_errors=999999' on the MySQL server

Release Classification Level DB Platform Categories
3.5+ Solution Screen_Shot_2016-01-19_at_1.20.15_PM.png MySQL



Please increase max_connect_errors to 999999 by using 'set global max_connect_errors=999999' on the MySQL server.


This value should be equal to 999999 or more. If the value is lower than 999999, you will not able to create a cluster utilizing such a database server.


You can set this in mysql without restarting your mysql service:


[root@server ~] mysql -uroot -p

mysql> set global max_connections=999999;

mysql> set global max_connect_errors=999999;


You can set this in the MySQL configuration file so that the settings are not lost after service restarts.

[root@server ~]# vi /etc/my.cnf



 max_connections = 999999

 max_connect_errors = 999999



Why should we increase max_connect_error in MySQL DB 

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