ScaleArc supported number of DB Users limit reached. On adding further user for Authentication Offloading, this error pops out.
Maximum user that can be added for Authentication Offloading feature is 1000 Users with ScaleArc Version and above. If you have more DB users than this limit,
Following are the recommendations:
1. Delete all unwanted Users which are not in use and reduce the DB user count to 1000.
2. In case above action cannot be taken, the last option remains to entertain as many users, Turn OFF Authentication Offloading feature. This will allow the DB users to directlly authenticate through Database Server. In this scenario, Customer will not be able to gain the performance boost from Authentication Offloading feature.
Note : - DB Users which are added in Authentical Offload list can only be entertained by ScaleArc when Authentication Offload is ON under maximum user limit.
If you are experiencing issues with ScaleArc or with any of its features, please contact ScaleArc Support.
We are available 24x7 by phone at +1 972-588-4221. For general support inquiries, you can also e-mail us at
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