KB 2049 - Read/Write split is supported only if authentication offload is enabled

Affected Release 3.0
Document Status INFO
Environment ScaleArc 3.0 All Platforms
Categories Cluster Settings



User gets the following error message while trying to turn Read/Write split feature ON. 

Error ID 2049: Read/Write split is supported only if authentication offload is enabled. Please enable authentication offload first.



Authentication offload must be enabled first before turning Read/Write split feature ON. To enable authentication offload follow these steps:
1. From the ScaleArc control panel, under the Settings tab for the cluster, click on Users & DBs.
2. Enable authentication offload feature by selecting the ON button.


If you are experiencing issues with ScaleArc or with any of its features, please contact ScaleArc Support.

We are available 24x7 by phone at +1 972-588-4221.  For general support inquiries, you can also e-mail us at scalearc-support@devgraph.com.


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